Public Speaking

 Finding your voice

Public Speaking

Whilst public speaking does fall under the category of phobias, the fear of speaking in public is the biggest fear in the US and the second in the UK. During our careers and every day life most of us are called upon to speak in public and this may have caused a great deal of anxiety. Therefore addressing this wide spread phobia separately seems appropriate. 

Phobias are extreme over exaggerated negative responses to a stimuli. Usually there is an event that will trigger a phobia where the unconscious mind has reacted with a fight or flight response as if it is life threatening. The very thought of the object of fear can consequently bring on physical symptoms like sweaty palms, palpitations, tightness in the chest, difficulty in breathing and a sense of having to escape. Sometimes it can lead to panic attacks.

Phobias do not respond to logic as they are not logical and if they were we would all be able to talk ourselves out of them. NLP, EFT, PSYCH-K® & Hypnotherapy are very effective with phobias and they can work at an unconscious level without having to face the object involved in the phobia. By changing the meaning and learning of the original event the phobia can be neutralised and the need to react in such a way dissipates as it is no longer seen as a threat.

Freedom to Speak

The fear of public speaking usually starts from a personal experience or witnessing speaking in public that did not go to plan and the uncomfortable feelings accompanying that situation.  Perhaps the response received was not favourable and humiliation and embarrassment followed.

Due to the experience a decision was made unconsciously that public speaking was not safe and should be completely avoided.

The techniques used to let go of this old outmoded and faulty programming looks at how the original experience was remembered and the beliefs formed.  The validity of the memory and beliefs are questioned and reframed.  Any over active reactions to the experience whether physical symptoms, thinking patterns or emotional triggers are worked with to bring calm and logic back and a sense of personal power.

Practical resources can be learnt and utilised to manage and calm any nerves and focus  on delivering the message you want to share.

Free Exercises & Guides

Download the EFT tapping guide and deep breathing exercise below.

EFT will help you to relax and keep calm, and alter your perception of situations that had been challenging and allowing you to let go of stress and anxiety.  The deep breathing exercise will help you to gain a deep sense of calm and well being.

Guides and Exercises

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • What techniques are most effective with phobias?

    It is dependent on the individual, but EFT and techniques within NLP are very suitable for neutralising phobias

  • Can I use some of the techniques on myself to help my own progress?

    Yes, you will be encouraged to do so and the very act of feeling more able to help yourself allows you to feel more able to let go of a phobia

  • Can you ever really feel comfortable with the thing that you are phobic of?

    Yes, I have seen it for myself.  Once the negative association is neutralised the trigger no longer exists therefore a reaction to the previous phobic thing does not happen

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