
Soothe the fear and release the cravings   


Addictions are our unconscious minds way of avoiding painful feelings. Quite often an addiction is triggered by a form of trauma. A loss of someone close, an accident, physical or mental abuse, bullying etc. The unconscious mind makes a vow not to allow that pain to happen again at all costs and as soon as a similar situation or feeling starts the addiction is triggered whether it is alcohol, smoking, food or gambling they all work in the same way and are designed to numb the pain, but unfortunately this only works for a short while and soon your addiction gains power and it becomes more and more out of control.

As these feelings are in the unconscious they are not rational and cannot be reasoned with and that is where NLP, EFT and Hypnotherapy are useful. Both work on the unconscious mind and the location in your body these feelings might be living. The techniques release the trauma that started the addiction and therefore allow the painful feelings to pass and the pattern of addiction is no longer required.

How the fear inside addictive behaviour can be released

To release the fear it is necessary to work with the unconscious mind to neutralise the stimuli that has triggered the addictive behaviour.

Frequently the stimuli is connected to childhood experiences.  We cannot change what has happened in our past, but we can change how we remember and feel about it.

By applying these techniques it allows a different perception, a release of anxious feelings and promotes an underlying feeling of safety. 

Once the events connected to the addictive behaviour no longer hold any emotional charge, it is easier to take forward learning from those events and release the anxiety.  When faced with a typical situation that would previously provoke the trigger without the extreme emotions connected the anxiety is no longer present and the compulsions no longer exist. Therefore instead of automatically playing out the addictive behaviour there is now no emotional pull and calm can resume.

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