Sports Performance

Believe it is possible!

Sports Performance

It is believed that 80 – 90% of an athlete’s performance is in the mind. Maintaining a Positive Mental Attitude has a huge effect on the result of the endeavour. It is also notable that up to 90% of people who exercise to a high level only train the body. When you successfully utilise the power of the mind into sporting performance, the results can be impressive. Whether you are working towards being a stronger competitor or find there are aspects of cycling on roads that cause you some anxiety, these techniques can assist in your quest to be a more successful athlete.

How can it benefit you?

The benefits of the energy and mind techniques I use to enhance sports performance are far reaching and are summarised below:
  • Enhance your ability to concentrate and focus on maximising your sports performance
  • Overcome the fear of losing/injury and focus on the joy of winning
  • Increase relaxation of your mind and body, allowing improved fluidity of movements and reaction times
  • Release negative memories of previous, injuries and poor performances, which continue to hold you back from your true potential
  • Discover and release negative beliefs such as fear of failure; fear of being challenged; fear of not being good enough, etc
  • Visualise events/routes before they take place, see yourself winning or beating your personal best, feel it, believe it, do it
  • Speed up recovery periods following sports injuries for example

How can we achieve this?

Methods can be taught as self help to gain back control. You will experience a deep sense of relaxation with NLP building resources procedures to guide you through vivid imagery of how you can achieve the perfect ride. Added to this EFT that can help to dissipate and negative internal dialogue and enhance your positive thought patterns in order to sustain success. These kind of psychological preparations drastically increase confidence and improve performance and reaction times. It has even been shown to increase stamina and strength by several percent, making all the difference to your performance.
Mental preparation is absolutely key to success for any competitive athletes’ preparation and indeed at any level of your chosen sport. Frustration with your own beliefs about your ability can lead to losing faith and motivation to continue. At any level you may experience a lack of confidence in aspects that may appear to be beyond your control such as the likelihood of receiving an injury. These techniques allow you to regain control over your own mindset and increase your sense of calm in any situation. When you maintain a calm state it is far easier to utilise your thoughts into improving your own athletic performance or your pure enjoyment of the sport.

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