
Using a heightened state of awareness to release blocks and free your mind 


The common misconceptions about hypnosis are understandable as the majority of people have only experienced it by watching stage hypnosis which is a totally different use of the process and purely for entertainment.

A hypnotic trance is a natural state of deep relaxation that we all experience at some point every day usually just before falling asleep and during that just waking up stage.  You may not be aware, but you will have drifted off into a trance on numerous occasions, probably while watching tv, driving or merely staring out of a window.  The brain waves during this state are at a certain frequency and it is during this time that the unconscious part of the mind is accessible and any change work can take place.

How can it benefit you?

Do not expect to feel hypnotised when you are in a trance. As it is a natural state it will feel familiar and you will not feel completely out of it. In actual fact it is a heightened state of awareness. The hypnotherapist cannot make you do anything against your core values and beliefs and you are always in control.

All hypnosis is self hypnosis.  The hypnotherapist helps to induce that naturally occurring state so that beneficial changes may be given directly to the unconscious mind. You will feel relaxed and comfortable and open to therapeutic ideas that bring about lasting changes and allow unwanted thoughts, feelings, behaviours and corresponding beliefs to dissipate,  

Hypnosis can be applied to many issues including release of trauma, stress and anxiety, neutralising phobias and addictions and to promote sleep, 

What is it?

Hypnotherapy is the use of a hypnotic state to therapeutic ends. This state of mind is sometimes described as an altered state of mind or trance state. It may just feel like you are in a day dream.  Whilst in this state sets of neural networks, not usually available in your everyday conscious state, are being utilised for the use of hypnotherapy. Although in this state you will be more suggestible, your mind will only allow new ideas and their accompanying beliefs to be embedded if you are in alignment with and desire these changes .

The desired changes would be discussed and agreed based on the client's desired outcome using cognitive, psychological and emotional resources to support the desired change and development.  

We are not always fully aware of our resources in our conscious state, but hypnotherapy can bring about more awareness of our undiscovered resources and give us access to progress and develop them.

Origins of Hypnotherapy

The origins of hypnosis go back many millenia; indeed many ancient cultures and civilisations knew of hypnosis and used it as a therapeutic device. Documents from the Ancient Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, Indians, Chinese, Persians and Sumerians show extensive studies in hypnosis, altered states of consciousness and parasychology. Hypnosis was considered as a cure for many physical and emotional ailments and disorders.

In other words hypnosis is at least more than 6,000 years old; some scholars claim that it could be as old as Prehistory as certain cave paintings show priests apparently in state of trance as well as geometrical designs thought to depict visions seen in an altered level of consciousness.

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